LENSPEN PEEPS 潔視能專業鏡片清潔拭鏡夾

LENSPEN PEEPS 潔視能專業鏡片清潔拭鏡夾

有在使用相機的人隨身會帶支LENSPEN專業拭鏡筆,但有近視的朋友您一定也要隨身攜帶一支LENSPEN PEEPS專業鏡片清潔拭鏡夾

加拿大LENSPEN鏡頭筆的優異清潔效果有使用的人絕對印象深刻,但近視的您出外眼鏡鏡片污損怎辦呢~~強力推薦"LENSPEN PEEPS 潔視能專業鏡片清潔拭鏡夾"

LENSPEN PEEPS 潔視能專業鏡片清潔拭鏡夾 一端是方便的伸縮型高級羊毛製作拭淨毛刷方便掃走塵埃另一端是採用雙面含碳微粒的麖皮清潔夾具可輕易去除鏡片上污漬,使用上是非常簡單與實用性,不用清水沖洗即可清潔拭淨,LENSPEN PEEPS 外殼中內置了碳微粒補充劑,每次用完後只需收回保護殼中即可補充碳微粒,而據廠方測試顯示,每支 LENSPEN PEEPS 可使用約500次

LENSPEN PEEPS 潔視能專業鏡片清潔拭鏡夾 具有高效、方便、時尚、和環保無殘留等卓越性能,如在戶外不用清水沖過鏡片即可使用,外型上炫彩顏色加上銀色把手更具流線元素,是流行時尚必備配件,近視族的您決要必備一支喔...

想體驗 LENSPEN PEEPS 潔視能專業鏡片清潔拭鏡夾 優異清潔與方便功能嗎~快來 高雄得恩堂左營店 體驗選購喔



New Peeps™ from LensPen®

Cleans Eyeglasses and Sunglasses

Vancouver, Canada – Peeps™ is the new all-in-one cleaner for eyeglasses and sunglasses, created

by LensPen®

. Peeps features the same carbon-cleaning technology LensPen products have used to

clean fine optics for more than two decades. LensPen introduced Peeps at Vision Expo West 2014.

“People that wear high-quality glasses or sunglasses are not satisfied using microfiber rags,

tissues, sprays and shirt sleeves to clean their lenses,” said Peter Meurrens, Vice President of

Operations for the LensPen Group, and developer of Peeps. “They want something better: a cleaning

device that cleans perfectly, is convenient and has some style. Since a camera lens and an eyeglass

lens are virtually identical in structure it was logical for us to develop a new product for the optics

market which has not seen a cleaning innovation in over 50 years. And that product is Peeps.”

Cleaning eyeglasses with Peeps is a simple two-step process. First, clean the lens with the

retractable goat-hair brush to remove any loose dust or potentially abrasive particles on the lens

surface. No other cleaning system offers this pre-cleaning step, which is essential to protect the lens

and the AR (anti-reflective) coatings. Second, slide the arms out from the holder and clean the lens with

smooth circular motions of the cleaning tips. If some smudges remain, breathe gently on the surface

and repeat.

Each time the arms slide back into the holder, the carbon on the cleaning tips is replenished and

Peeps is ready for its next cleaning. The Peeps cleaning tips can be recharged up to 500 times.

“Everyone who wears high-quality glasses or sunglasses wants a cleaning solution that is safe,convenient and effective,” Meurrens said. “Peeps is the answer – the only eyeglass cleaning innovation

in 50 years. And they’re available in stylish colors and finishes.”














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